Civil Institute’s Team
Civil Institute associates the intellectual potential and creativity of more than twenty researchers and experts from governmental and non-governmental sectors in Bulgaria and from abroad.
The Civil Institute’s team members are involved in:
- Developing assessment methodologies adopted to Bulgarian context;
- Performing social impact assessments exercises commissioned by international developmental agencies as Civil Society Development Foundation and other EU PHARE Program Projects, UNDP, World Bank, USAID, and by Bulgarian governmental agencies (National Assembly, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, National Center for European Youth Programs and Initiatives, i.e.) and by Bulgarian NGO and Foreign and International CSOs operating in Bulgaria;
- Training on project evaluation for public servant and CSOs managers;
- University teaching on Civil Sector Sociology, on Social Impact Assessment and on Organizational Capacity Assessment and Development at Sofia University Kliment. Ochridsky and the National Sport Academy;
Operations’ Management
Dr. Hristo Hristozov – Managing Director, Dr. Hristozov has graduated in Law from Law School at the Sofia University “St. Kl. Ochridsky” and is currently a PhD Research Fellow at the Law School of the Sofia University “St. Kl. Ochridsky”. He has a strong managerial background. Mr. Hristozov has an extensive experience in providing services with EU, UNDP, World Bank, USAID, MATRA Program of Dutch Government and donor agencies, governmental agencies, regional and local authorities, the private sector, and both national and international civil organizations in the fields of legal and organizational development, planning technical assistance programs, and supervising TA Project, appraisal and feasibility study capacity and social impact assessment in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs and project.
Diana Bancheva – Program Director, Ms. Bancheva has a BA in Political Science and International relations and History from the American University in Bulgaria, and a Master Thesis in Management of Information Resources from the Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. She has 15 years of experience in the coordination and communication of projects in the non-governmental sector.